6 week old

Allison • 💍 Happily married on 5/12/18, 👶🏻 Girl mom born 6/27/19, 🐾 Dog mom x2

Just looking for advice mommas-

My LO will be 6weeks old on Tuesday. And her eating has always been ALL over the place. Like she does 1oz here 1/2oz there.

And I feel like there’s no way she’s getting enough in a day that she’s supposed to be getting. I’ve tried three different bottles (dr brown , avent and nuk) tried undressing her during feedings, rubbing her cheeks but no she falls asleep after only eating a little bit. I also feel like this is why we are still having frequent (every 1 to 2 hrs) night wakings.

She has gained weight at every dr appointment and was checked for lip / tongue ties with no findings to report 😫