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I tested at 9, 10, and 11dpo and didn’t really get more then an indent. Maybe something at 9dpo but it didn’t carry over the next two days. I plan on waiting until at least tomorrow when my period is due if I test, I should say we’re not really trying but not being super safe against it if it were to happen… aka pull out method. We did have sex the entire week I was ovulating (according to opks, I know weird I do them when not trying but I had them and it’s the second month I’ve been off my birth control and I heard you could or may not even ovulate so I wanted to know!) didn’t do bbt.

Been having a bit of pinching in my right side of my lower stomach by my hip bone. None of my really “normal” pms symptoms that don’t overlap with pregnancy ones anyway. Normally day or two before my period I get horrible lower back pain and none to be spoken of. I always get heartburn and nausea before period. Other then that I’m just really really emotional, cry at the drop of a hat which isn’t typical for me. Nausea has been almost consistent the last day and a half. Normally comes in waves before af. Also, may be unrelated but shoulder pain? Weird. Anyway, thoughts? Here’s my test from 11dpo. Pretty sure that’s an indent so I’ll be moving to clearblue pink dyes.

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