Serious question...

I am really struggling with having another child. My son is 2.5 years old and I feel like the clock is ticking. I always wanted 2 kids, but since having my son it's like I'm trying to convince myself to have another. Post partum was rough for me. I'm FINALLY feeling like myself again after 2.5 years. My son can finally be a bit more independent, we can do fun things with him, I'm starting to find myself again and like my body again. My husband is perfectly content with just one child.

My question is for those of you who have had 2 kids, would you have been happy with just one? Obviously I know nobody regrets having another child! But did you find life easier with just one?

We love to travel. We finally have money to do things again. Two would strain us financially and I work for a very high demand job so I feel like I'm constantly working and giving my attention to my son. I can't imagine having the mental capacity to work and be a wife and split my attention between 2 kids, have to get them both to daycare, go through nursing again, sleepless nights, plus a sassy almost 3 year old.

Also, I read an article that said parents of 1 child are happier than those with multiple. My husband and I really struggled after my son was born and it almost broke us. We are finally back to a really good place.

I just feel like there's so many more cons about having a 2nd than pros and it's such a hard choice.