what do you do when you have severe cramps?


i’m 18 and started my period when i was 10 or 11. since then, i’ve ALWAYS had really bad cramps. i would have to get out of school early because they were so bad. i use a heating pad and take ibuprofen but most of the time it does not help. i’ve tried pickle juice, massaging, exercising, soaking in a hot bath, but none of those work. i’ve tried two different birth controls, but they both made my period cramps and bleeding even worse. some days i cannot get out of bed or more because they are so bad. my primary doctor said i should go to an OBGYN, but i need something for the meantime. do i just suffer or is there more that i’m missing? please help a woman out!!

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Masturbation can help. Also drinking beer (something about the hops). It seems strange but it works!