

What we’re some of your ectopic pregnancy symptoms ? I’ve had an ectopic June 4th 2021 and almost a year later I’m pregnant again according to flo I’m 5 days late, 4weeks & 5 days. I’m not having the same symptoms really as my last ectopic pg. but I’m worried/ stressed and going crazy.

My last pregnancy I had -

A lot of AF like pain that was consistent

Spotting on and off



And all my pregnancy symptoms went away

This pregnancy -

Backaches (worse at night)

Neck pain ( only at night )

Sore / enlarged breasts (worse at night)

Random shooting pains ( come and go)

Stomach aches (come and go)

Uterus pain (come and go)

Headaches (comes at night)

Nausea spells (comes and go)

Uncomfortable to sleep in certain positions and these pains are different not like super super severe.