Big bleed


This is our third pregnancy after years of infertility and 2 awful miscarriages. I have felt so awful this go round and I feel so silly complaining. Two weeks ago I was admitted to the hospital for 3 days and was treated for hyperemesis gravidarum. I have meds to help manage the awful awful neausea🥴. Yesterday, actually all weekend I felt gross. Sunday afternoon I went pee around 4:30,when I wiped I had heart failure! There was so much blood. Immediately my mind went to miscarriage. Got up to emerge and through triage. While waiting, I went to the bathroom and the bleed had slowed down tremendously! 3 hours later we had an ultrasound done and there was little baby and heartbeat too! The doctor said possibly a subchronic hematoma? If I remember correctly. I will have a better ultrasound in the next couple days and I go for blood and urine on Wednesday. I'm so anxious. I know everything is different for everyone, but anybody who has experienced this, do you mind sharing your experience? Today there is little to no spotting, just with the odd wipe!