Genital Herpes


I've been living with genital herpes since I was in my early 20s. My boyfriend of 2 years gave it to me along with chlamydia. The chlamydia was treatable however the herpes I have to live with. I'll be 31 this year and since I've dated 3 different men. I did tell them I had herpes. We still had unprotected sex but never when I was having a outbreak. Im prescribed acyclovir which I keep on hand and when im having a outbreak I just take the recommended 3 pills a day for 5 days and it immediate starts to clear up and is usually gone before I'm even finished the round of antibiotics. Recently I have been getting sores on the left side of the corner or my mouth. Iam in a fairly new relationship and these pimple like sores only seem to appear when I have performed oral sex on him and it's only me who has a outbreak. It is possible for my genital herpes to turn into oral herpes? If so are there any tricks to drying out the sores on top of taking the 5 day round of antibiotics?