How to make baby not want to latch on breast

Personal reasons I do not want to breast-feed my almost 4 month old anymore one of them is because I feel like I’m neglecting my two toddlers is there anything that I can place on or over my breast that my daughter will not like the smell of that will keep her from wanting to latch on I am at my wits end and I feel like I’m going to lose my mind I am cold turkey breast feeding as of today she does not want to take a pacifier which is normal for a breast-fed baby but I need help please

Just to throw in she does take a MAM bottle If I make a 4 ounce bottle she will only drink 2 ounces and then cry until she gets the breast this is not my first rodeo I have breast fed both of my other children for 16 months straight but due to personal reasons and feeling like I am neglecting them I cannot fully commit to breast-feeding and she will not take much of any formula and it is not the brand of Formula either