Heavy bloating & gas early pregnancy symptom?


I'm coming to the end of my TWW, based on this app my period was due yesterday but I understand it can come any day.

We are trying for our second baby after our loss in September. Hoping to give our son a sibling.

I had a dark OPK on March 15th, we BD the entire fertile window as well as a couple days the week after to be safe. We also used preseed this month like we did with our first which was successful.

Since last week I started getting SO bloated and gassy. Very noticeable. In the morning I wake up somewhat bloated but by the end of the night i look 3 months pregnant.

I'm also having super vivid dreams along with some cramping since last week. I'm tired as well but that's nothing new for me since I'm chasing a toddler all day lol

Curious to know if heavy bloating and gas is an early pregnancy sign?

I'm waiting a couple days to test because my precious loss was hard so I don't want the disappointment.

Thank you in advance ladies ❤