Would you be annoyed if every time your MIL came over she wear really strong smelling perfume or lotion that your son ends up smelling like her for the rest of the day?


My husband watches my son two days a week while I work. My MIL comes over once or twice a week when my husbands home to see my 1 year old son. Every time she comes she either wears tons of perfume or perfumed lotion. When she leave my son smells like her for the rest of the day and night until I give him a bath to wash away the smell. I’ve said something to my husband several times as the smell is excessive and I smell it as soon as I pick up my son. I have tried to change his clothes or just wipe him down. The smell literally clings to him and nothing works to make it go away expect to give him a bath. He insists he spoke to his mother and she says she doesn’t wear anything it’s just how she smells. It’s impossible and I’m getting extremely fed up. This has been going on since he was a new born, I’m not pregnant with baby number two and I don’t want my son around this or smell like a Women’s perfume let alone my new baby. Am I wrong for being annoyed about this and wanting to say something to her myself?

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