Baby Girl 03/11/22


I took me over 2 years, and 5 losses later, to finally have my little rainbow baby! (Not including the time I tried with my forst husband)

It was a very rough journey to get to this point. Lots of loss, tears, anxiety, and heartbreak. I wanted to give up after the last loss I had...we stopped trying and now that she is finally here I am over the moon! All I have ever wanted was to have a baby of my own. (Granted I thought it would be way easier, and earlier then this)

Having a baby is the greatest joy anyone could ask for. Being a FTM does come with a lot of challenges, but is well worth it. The biggest struggle is living 3.5 hours from all my family and friends. I gave up my life to move, and have a life with my husband and my 5 y.o. step son.

To all the women trying for a baby, it can happen, don't give up and don't stress about it. (I know way easier said then done)