Pregnancy test!

Honestly, I wasn’t expecting this! since I started trying with my bf in February.. but we only had sex around 5 times this month 😂 but we take pregnancy tests right before my period. I’m 9 DPO… I walked into the bathroom before him, within a minute on the first test, a positive blue line popped up.. then right after.. we both started laughing and were shocked. I still can’t believe it.. I wasn’t expecting it. I don’t know why we were shocked lol. But wow, I’m pregnant with my 2nd child, meanwhile this is his first. Also I wasn’t experiencing any symptoms but needing to pee a lot.. and moody. But I’m moody often. But yeah, we’re pregnant 🥰❤️🌱 I think I’d be around 3 weeks and 5 days. My period is supposed to start on April 6th, last day was March 12th.. I’m not sure how far along I am yet. But I don’t think I’m going to tell my family until the end of April.. lol

The one we got at Walgreens was a pink Frer. We took 2. All around 2pm lol.