Hard times


I recently came out to my dad as bisexual and got taken off his health insurance for being bi. I am in a straight relationship but he doesn’t care as the person I am dating is not white. I just turned 18, and legally my dad had to tell my mom 90 days before taking me off so I could get on my own plan. But he didn’t, I have extreme back pain as I was in the middle of going to the chiropractor almost everyday for extreme back pain, as I am no longer on any one’s health insurance I had to unfortunately stop going. I was also in the middle of recovering from and Ed, but the stress of all of this plus being in my final year of school and finding a new job. Has put me back where I started. My mom will not help me with health insurance until I can prove to her I am going to actually use it, as I stopped going to my doctor a couple years back Becuase of my ed. i have a wonderful boyfriend who will pay out of pocket for anything I need but is going through hard times as well. Anything will help thank you.