Anyone get a Endometrioma in Abdominal wall after C-section?


So I had a c-section in 2016. In 2018 I started to not be able to do core exercises. I thought the pain was from a pulled/stretched muscle and then I started wondering if I had a hernia. I dealt with the pain for about 3 years and mid 2021 I decided to get what was going on figured out. I could feel a lump about half the size of a golf ball under my c-section scar. It was super painful and hindered most physical activity. It would be so painful I couldn’t were jeans because the button would put too much pressure on that lump. So I went to my GYN and she did a ultrasound confirming that something was there. I then went to a General Surgeon and he says this happens occasionally. The Dr who did my c-section left some uterine tissue in my abdominal wall - and if uterine tissue gets a blood supply it will grow. So yea, it went from just under my fatty layer and all the way through my muscle. Had surgery for it back in August 2021 and it has been LIFE CHANGING! Anyone else go through this!?!

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