IVF/ Testicular Biopsy to retrieve sperm


My period starts sometime between 4/17-4/21, my nurse told me to start the birth control pills on Day 2, then she will order my medication. All of my blood tests and ultrasounds came back great besides having my left Fallopian tube blocked. My husband has Azoospermia due to CBAVD, meaning he was born without a vas deferens. Our fertility doctor gave us a 65% chance that he will find sperm. We are lucky to have this oppurtunity to try, otherwise it would NEVER happen naturally. We were going to do frozen at first just to ensure there was sperm and not have to pay for the full process. But the doctor explained that with this biopsy that a fresh transfer will have better success. So the retrievals of egg and sperm should be sometime in the first week of May. We’re nervous and excited, and just trying to stay positive that sperm will indeed be found 🙏