
My boyfriend and I been together for 4 years almost and have 2 beautiful girls ages 4 and 2. Well I recently just found out I’m pregnant and I’m about 5 weeks, and I’m honestly not ready for another baby I’ve been really sad about it and cannot sleep. As much as I hate to say this I thought about abortion but I’m sure if I take that route my boyfriend will be super mad at me but I really just cannot handle having another baby right now. I’m happy with just my 2 girls! I’m just lost and confused on what I want to do because I know my boyfriend should have a say also.

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Adoption is also an option….. I know I have no say since I don’t know how your life is…. What I can say is I can relate with you…. I have a 4 yr old daughter 2 yr old son and I’m due this June with a girl….. I really wanted to expand my family but right now I’m on a roller coaster of emotions…. Yes it’s a lot of work and your body is tired and are trying to balance everything out but what’s if that baby is a boy? I hope the choice you make is the right one…. God knows why he’s given you a third child… baby’s are a blessing in disguise and have a purpose in this world. Know that you are blessed and loved by God.


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In my opinion this is something you should really talk about with your boyfriend. How would it make him feel if he found out you did this behind his back? Would he not care? Would it be a relationship ender? He might support your abortion, he might not. But he’s been dedicated to you and your daughters for 4 years, he deserves to know. Just something to consider. You already have two kids together. It’s not like you guys have never dealt with a situation like this before.


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Talk with him and explain why your feelings on not wanting another child are valid. Remember, while it is important to take his feelings into account, it is your body carrying the pregnancy. You should never feel pressured into something you don’t want for yourself. 💕