Formula at the hospital?

Noona • 🇱🇧💍👶🏻👶🏻🇬🇧

So I am wanting to formula feed this baby. I've chosen to go with kendamil, which do not have ready made bottles I can take with me to the hospital. How do I go about this? This would just be a precaution for the hospital as I would like baby girl to at least get collustrum from me but in case there are issues with breastfeeding I want a backup plan. If I take powdered formula and sterilised bottles, would I be able to make some up at the hospital? I'm not too keen on taking a different brand of ready made formula

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Savers are also now stocking the ready to feed Kendmil. You can only order 1 pack at a time on their website at the moment so takef from 8.50 to 12.50 so of you can find a savers that's sticking it'll be much cheaper.


Nikki • Apr 15, 2022
Get what you can they are always handy to have in your bag for days out 😃


Noona • Apr 15, 2022
I've seen them now 🥰 I'll be popping into a Savers soon as I need to pick up 2 packs of 6 just to be on the safe side, they won't go to waste for sure. Thank you!


Posted at
The hospital should be able to help you prepare the formula but have a look here as Kendamil do have ready to feed bottles. Xx


Noona • Apr 13, 2022
I found out they sell it in Savers! I'll pop the next time I'm in town and pick up a couple of boxes 🥰 thank you for your help!


Le • Apr 13, 2022
Lol. Dont feel silly! I Dont believe they sell it in supermarkets or Boots. Xx


Noona • Apr 13, 2022
Well now I feel silly haha I had checked supermarkets online and boots but couldn't see it! I'll check out the link you sent me.. thank you!


Posted at
The hospital I gave birth at last time didn’t have any facilities for making up powdered formula. They were quite specific about bringing ready to use. They did however, provide single use bottles. Might be worth just checking with them.


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Every hospital has their own policy but they should be fine with it. All they would need to do is provide boiling water for you 😊