Desperate for another baby… partly for the gender I don’t have yet

I have two gorgeous children (4 and 18 months) and I absolutely adore the both of them. I love being their mum and they bring my so much joy. My husband says he is happy with our two but will be open to a third. I am desperate to have a third. I think part of the reason is that I always thought I’d have the opposite gender of the gender of kids I have. I never pictured having this gender and I do love it but a part of me yearns for the opposite gender. My husband says that shouldn’t even be a factor in why we try for another and there’s no guarantee if we would have the opposite gender. I completely agree with him but I think I want a third regardless- I’m desperate. If it’s another of the same gender I think I’ll just be happy with my lot but I’ve always wanted more than 2 regardless (3 is my husband’s limit).

Has anyone been in this position? If so can you give me some advice please? Or words or wisdom from anyone?