Bernice • Angel Baby 1/2021 👼🏽💔 ; Tink 5/2022 💕💕

Since I always knew I wanted to have children, I always knew HOME BIRTH was something I would I want over a HOSPITAL BIRTH .

I did my own research before ever becoming pregnant on which has the better results for my baby & I. Watching videos of other moms home births, reading stories of moms who had their first baby (hospital birth) & second baby (home birth), all confirmed what I knew, and what I didn’t.

Personally, I choose the HOME BIRTH, because it gives you comfortability (familiar setting, peaceful, relaxing). Control over the situation, instead of a nurse or doctor constantly saying “this, that, & a third”. I don’t have to worry about unnecessary medication be given to me (especially since i don’t take any type of medication) or any type of intervention to force my body to push MY CHILD OUT! Unlimited amount of time with skin-to-skin, unlike in HOSPITALS, (find it odd some hospitals charge for that). When doing a home birth, you have the freedom and ability to hydrate and feed yourself, shower & bathe, have aromatherapy. With my home birth I have to ability to prolong umbilical cord clamping, unlike some hospitals who will tell/ convince you can’t do that, because its NOT NEEDED. When in all actually PROLONGING UMBILICAL CLAMPING provides YOUR BABY it’s remaining blood & nutrients that’s still left. The cord will naturally fall off on it’s own, it does not need to be clamped.

Having a home birth, my midwife is able to provide me undivided attention, she can spend the whole day with me until my baby is earth side. Unlike doctors who are running on a time frame, dealing with nurses who rotate shifts, and some staff who could care less about your decisions or request.

As someone who has always learned to trust HER BODY, I trust MY BODY in this process as well. Only we know our body, doctors and midwives don’t know our body, but with a midwife that understand that! Whereas a doctor is going simply off statistics and what you tell them. TRUSTING my body to do what it needs to do, considering it already knows what to do.