Blood after urinating.


Just Needing To Vent. 😩

I’m only here to vent and to tell my experience on what Im going through. Please keep any negative comments to yourself. I’m not being mean, I just had some very rude responses from some ladies on here before. And yes I’ve posted a post similar to this before.. And yes I went into the Doctor and had an ultrasound done and baby was ok. They didn’t know the reason behind the bleeding though. So I’ve been having some issues, “sometimes” when I go to use the restroom, just to pee I get up and wipe and notice blood in the toilet. I have no cramping or any other issues besides this. I’m currently 13 weeks and 6 days. The reason why I am asking because I have a picture of what happened to me this morning, I would like to know if this ever happened to any other ladies and they had this amount of blood come out before and everything turned out ok. This pregnancy stuff will really have ur nerves bad! 😩🥴🤦🏾‍♀️ Thanks for your responses ❤️