Sleep struggles


My 6 week old baby goes long periods without naps and it was common for her to be awake 3-5hrs at a time. Sleeps good at night, usually 4-6hrs at a time. I read that thats not normal to be awake for such long periods and she is probably over tired. So the last couple days I have been trying hard to have her nap lots during the day, the naps are usually 30min-2hrs long. But now she won’t sleep long at night 🙃 she falls asleep and then 5 minutes later she wakes up and she does this over and over and over. She even does it during the day which is why naps were so hard to get in, I have to hold her the whole time and when she wakes up I rock her back to sleep. But I can’t do that at night because I want to sleep too! Why does she wake up so much and not just stay asleep? Theres no noise waking her or any changes at all, she just randomly wakes up