No heartbeat @ 8weeks 4days


Back story,

I had some spotting last Tuesday the 12th. Wasn’t much, stopped after about 20 minutes. Very light pink & could only be seen when I would wipe. I went to the ER, they diagnosed me with a threatened miscarriage. My HCG levels were about 18,000. I went to my dr. The next day & received a ultrasound. Baby looked great & heartbeat was 180. Baby was measuring a bit behind but nothing to be concerned about. I was suppose to be 8weeks 3days but was measuring 7 weeks 5days. Dr. Told me not to worry.

Yesterday I went in for a check up & another ultrasound. I was suppose to be 8 weeks 4 days, but baby was measuring 8 weeks 2 days & didn’t have a heartbeat. I was gonna have a D&C today but it was cancelled due to me finding out I have COVID. So I’m letting my body pass the baby natural or atleast try too. I have a check up Tuesday & if baby hasn’t passed then I’ll have a D&C next week.

My question is, has anyone miscarried due to COVID? This will be my second loss after being diagnosed with COVID. I had a miscarriage back in September & a few days later I found out I had COVID.

Second question, how long did it take for your body to pass baby at 8 weeks?