Toddler food


My son (1.5yr) eats practially anything we do, so we don't have a major problem. But lately, he just shakes his head and turns away in food that is placed in front of him, does that for his favourites too.

We have always let him feed himself independently at home, so he doesn't need help, we let him choose what he wants and he eats how much he wants.

But the sahaking thing now, basically if we forcefully put only one little piece to taste in his mouth, then he eats it and basically clears the plate after that, if I just ask him to try, he doesn't if I don't say anything, he doesn't even try it, just shakes. (we also eat at the same time, same thing, so he is not eating alone there).

How can I make him try the food on plate, if he doesn't want to try it? I don't want to force any food on him, but I see, that just a taste of the piece makes him eat already, how can I get him to taste it himself?