Hurt & embarrassed during my miscarriage


I lost my baby on 4/18/22 at 11 weeks & 6 days.. My husband and I struggled with infertility for 4 in half years right when we finally had the courage to start treatment I found out I was expecting with our first. Unfortunately Monday early morning I started experience cramping and spotting I went to my urgent care and at the moment I had no pain we still had a heart beat and got sent home. Later that night I had stronger pain and started bleeding more. We rushed to emergency room which felt like hours I got my blood work done and waited for ultrasound during this time I was having pain every two min at the time I did not know they were contractions. At 10pm emergency room kicks guest out so my husband waited outside. Meanwhile I was having the worst pain in the chair I sucked it up for 30 min till I couldn’t anymore I got up barley able to walk and asked the front desk for pain medicine once I asked her I felt a huge gush of blood come out and I said omg I’m bleeding the nurse said do you need a pad and I just leaned over the counter and said yes. Two seconds later another gush of blood comes out I look down n touch my pants my hand was full of blood and the floor my feet were as well I ran behind the desk Following a huge trail of blood with me yelling omg omg omg.. the security and nurse were just as scared as I was and grabbed me and ran into the bathroom as they called my husband. I couldn’t believe what was happening to me the amount of blood I was loosing after 30 min. I’m thankful for the nurse who stayed with me in the bathroom to calm me down and helped me clean off till I was rolled into a room while still loosing and excessive amount of blood. 20 min later I was taken to get my ultrasound sound done which what I felt like it was a murder seen and the most uncomfortable i was in so much pain while getting it done before doing the vaginal ultrasound she asked me to use the restroom because I had clots ready to come out and which she was right about 4 clots the size of my hand it felt like.. walking back to the bed with blood all down my legs, my feet the floor I just couldn’t believe why me why… 30 mins pass the dr came to the room with my husband and I to confirm we had lost our baby I felt as the world had stopped We couldn’t believe it as much as I knew it happened already hearing the words of confirming my baby was gone . I was hurt embarrassed and In so much pain I couldn’t take it anymore and I passed out.. I’m writing this because I’ve held this in. I wish this didn’t happen in the lobby I wish this didn’t happen at all I wish many things… I’m hurt for everyone that experiences miscarriage and I pray one day I’ll get my rainbow baby.