This is why I don't take my son to the store

I have twins babies at home and I was going shopping and my husband said to take our son with me. Our son is 16 mind you. Whenever we go to the store he wonders off to do his own things. He never pays attention to where we parked our car and always wants to go back before I'm done shopping. He will call and ask me where I am. I tell him but he won't come to me. He will ask me to come to him and I will say no just go back to the car and he will say he doesn't know where it is so I will say then come to the frozen food section or wherever I am but he expects me to go find him. So he does this. He is in his schools drama club and wants to major on theater. He will go to someone and he will, as a 6 foot 3, 16 year old TEENAGER. Start fake crying about how he can't find his mom. Then over the loud speaker I hear "Kelly Adams. Can you plz come to customer service". I got and I'm like "For God sake Ryder!" and he just smirks. Next time we go shopping I'm gonna have one of those child wrist leases and make him wear it so he won't wonder off and see how quickly he stops doing that!