Please help with th confusion


I just took this test ! And the very very faint line showed up right away , mind you I did have a miscarriage near the end of February , :(

Here is the photo

I did take others yesterday witch showed very faint lines so I also did a Digital but it said not pregnant , so I did a little Research and they said to open the Digital as sometimes when your HGC isn’t Strong enough it will say not pregnant but the Strips can still tell you if you are or you aren’t so I then open it and placed the strips down and took a photo right away here. Is the photo I’m just so confused on the 3 lines and everyone says 3 lines you are pregnant 🤰 but I’m confused and I’m also bleeding but it’s not a period kind of bleed really pink but I do have to wear a liner witch when it’s a period I need a Pad Righ away not a liner lol please any help will be amazing as I don’t want my hopes up as we did have a miscarriage at the end of February

Thank you