TW - Pedophilia, a mental condition


I saw a documentary recently where they explore pedophilia as a mental disorder and how to get help, fund research, and prevent any crimes towards children from happening. People with this “disorder” have come forward to be researched and they acknowledge that their desire to have intimacies with children unable to consent or not physically capable to speak for themselves and make these decisions is wrong. A group of scientist in Germany are asking for funding to research for medications and free therapy for those who suffer from this ailment. As a society, if we take the taboo and stigma around being labelled a pedophile away, and help these people be productive, non criminal members of society, isn’t that something to explore? Instead of pretending it doesn’t happen, or putting these people in jail after crimes have been committed, why not prevent children from getting hurt in the first place? Should we not fund such an initiative worldwide? I believe it’s better to be proactive then reactive, so opposed to having children traumatized, let’s understand and help to “cure” those with those ailments? But that is only you feel it is a mental condition and not just a chose your own adventure scenario… thoughts?