Please send advice. I can’t take it anymore.

Hi ladies, I am asking for some advice any help anyone can suggest. I have 3 kids, an 8 year old, 6 and an almost 3 year old. My oldest two kids are angels. Yes they have issues like every child does but truly great children. This is about my youngest. Since he’s been born he’s been the worse. I love my son to death, but I can’t deal with him anymore. Since my oldest two were born I always had them on routines. Always. And they still are on it and it makes life so good! But with my youngest he’s NEVER been able to have a routine, and my gosh I’ve tried everything guys. I put him down at the same time every single night. Typically 7. I’ve even tried 8 to see if he will sleep better nothing: doesn’t matter when he goes to bed he cries and cries and doesn’t wanna sleep. It can go on for over an hour!!!! I have to keep going in there calming him down then the sec I leave he’s screaming bloody murder. He hates sleeping. He’s never been a child to sleep. ever. Since he was newborn till now. He wakes up some nights 4-5 times, some nights he’ll sleep through the night or some nights he’ll wake up once and want a drink and if I don’t give him one he screams for over 30 mins. He keeps my older kids up at night. I don’t ever sleep. We are almost 3 years and he is worse then a new baby. I’m loosing my freaking mind. But he’s been like this since he was a baby!!!!! It’s just progressing getting worse. He’s in daycare and he’s on the verge of getting kicked out. He’s awful, he bites kids, he hits he DOES NOT LISTEN. They tell me he’s in time out more then anyone! I don’t ever discipline in any kind of violent acts. No spankings. No yelling, no nothing. I try my freaking hardest to sit with him and teach him what he’s doing is wrong. He do time out chair till he calms down, I work so hard with him in a positive way and this child you would think belongs in that super nanny show. I feel prisoner in my own home. I can’t ever take him anywhere. The store the park, going to eat, literally ANYWHERE! He tells, screams, hits. It’s so embarrassing and it’s killing me physically mentally and emotionally and mentally. There’s no peace ever. My mom has to do the fun activies with my older kids on the weekend bc I can’t go anywhere with my toddler. I feel like I am drowning. I lost my motivation in life, I am severely depressed , severely anxious, extremely in distress 24.7 I’m on anxiety medicine to help but it doesn’t because it’s so chaotic all the time. I think any human would go insane after a while of this. He goes to daycare and that’s my only “ rest “ time since I get no sleep at night and that’s not enough. It’s day in day out. In the morning when he wakes he SCREAMS for no reason! He won’t let anyone touch him, he refuses a diaper change. He runs from me. He’s not hurt, not sick, he’s just acting out and it’s getting worse. This isn’t even the tip of everything. I’m at my end rope with him. My children are stressed because of him, they hate being home. They tell me they want to be at grandmas every weekend now bc they don’t wanna listen to my son scream and throw tantrums and hit. I’ve done everything. Everything the pediatrician recommended Nobody listens they think I’m just saying basic toddler things. I NEED HELP PLEASE I am loosing my mind and I can’t take it anymore please someone any suggestions. Thank you for reading.. he’s so horrible and his behavior and I keep thinking oh he’ll get older and get better but it’s worse. I can’t get my kids into any sports bc I can’t take him in the evenings. It’s just SO BAD. And I’m such a good, calm mom or I try to be calm for the most part but it’s so damn hard. I don’t regret having him but I often think how good life would be if I didn’t. 😥 I know it sounds bad but I’m at my wits end. What can I do or who can I see ?!