I just don't get it


I was on progesterone last cycle. I spotted wed, Thur, fri, sat, sun, mon. I stopped the progesterone on Saturday night and got my period Tuesday. It was normal for Tues, wed, and Thur. Spotting fri, minimal spotting sat, and nothing on sun at all. Today, Monday, nothing at all until just now. I was not wearing a pad, and I bled on my underwear and the toilet looked like my period was back. I am so annoyed. I just want to know what is going on with my body, why isn't it working correctly. I just want our rainbow baby, I just want to complete our family. I know I have two kids already and getting pregnant with them was not easy either, but my period was never this crazy. Blood work has been showing I am ovulating. Ugh sorry just so frustrated. Wish you all the best of luck.