Follow for updates! 11dpo, I think this is my month…


Hey everyone!! I need some buddies!!

Just wanted to post my symptoms and keep busy until I start testing tomorrow at 12dpo. I’m like 99% positive I might have a BFP soon and it’s so hard not to test!!! Trying to test 2days after my implantation symptoms.

Follow this thread for updates and to post your own symptoms ☺️☺️☺️✨✨🤞🏽🤞🏽

1-11dpo (now) :

- Tender side boobs, never had before and research says progesterone after ovulation is causing it! 🤞🏽

- creamy or dry cm since O. Usually by 7dpo my cm turns watery, but it has dried up since then!

- 3dpo - now : usually freezing all day but now I’m feeling HOT

- 5dpo - now : severe constipation and bloating

- 6dpo - now : butterfly feeling in tummy, like I’m riding a rollercoaster or going over a hill. Makes me laugh more easily 😂

- started temping mid-LP/@4dpo (sry, forgot!) but I’m very in tune with my body and know for sure when I’ve ovulated each month. Temps stayed in the 98’s and 99’s, and they have never been this high!

- 10dpo after some implantation symptoms: round ligament twinges on both sides of groin area. Never had this sensation before, almost like a muscle spasm when I move too fast or sitting still for too long.

**One last symptom: pretty sure I had IB and cramping early yesterday morning. 12am, started getting sharp pinches on right side. Woke up a few hours later and had pink cm only when wiping. Pink cm gone the rest of the day. Cramps really low followed on and off without spotting.

Anyone have any similar symptoms and want to walk this journey with me ???