Help with bedtime


My son is 21 months and he sleeps all night from 8-7. We are lucky…he still uses a pacifier but only for bedtime. I’m convinced he can’t sleep without it. when we put him to bed he tries to go to sleep for 10 ish minutes then stands up, throws the pacifiers out of the crib and screams and cries until we come in. Before this was a game for so long then last week I tried a little tough love and had him cry it out. It worked and for 3 nights in a row he completely stopped doing it and went right to sleep! Then all of a sudden he started doing it again by night 4. 🤦🏼‍♀️ this time he will cry for forever until we come in to give it back to him and lay him down. I’m at a loss because he throws them on purpose and expects a reaction out of us to come in which I’m totally onboard with stopping but….he needs the pacifier to fall asleep so it feels like a lose lose… I’m not ready to ween him off the pacifier just yet so I’m just looking for any other tips. If we don’t go in he will scream and cry for forever but if we do go in he keeps playing the game over and over. HELP! 😩