I just want to scream


7 months of trying and now 2 failed pregnancies.... One ectopic and now a miscarriage. I feel like it's just never going to happen. I hate my body for doing this. I feel like I am being ungrateful for the two beautiful kids I do have and maybe I was just meant to stop there. I just wanted another baby... One of them keeps asking me when "our baby" is going to come and it breaks my heart every time. No one around me has been through this and they're all telling me the next one will stick and it will all be healthy and normal and beautiful like it's supposed to be... But I just don't think it's going to happen. I feel like I waited too long and even though I'm 28 something went wrong since I had my girls and now I can't have a baby. I'm just heartbroken and furious and so many other things I can't even explain.