I never thought postpartum be this hard…


Since I personally already have mental health issues before I got pregnant. I struggled with anxiety and other things. I wasn’t on any medication at all. I was kinda able to manage it myself because I’ve gotten so use to it. Then during my pregnancy my anxiety would occur a bit more often than usual. In that time I was just actually scared of giving birth because the complications worried me the most. I just wanted to have a good delivery as my first time. I only did epidural so I didn’t really feel much thank god. Now during postpartum into 6 months so far has been really hard for me. It’s honestly like a rollercoaster and so many emotions mixed in. My mental health has been even more hard as well to the point I started going on medication. I wasn’t expecting to go through so many changes. All of the healing in my body to recover and keeping up with the baby’s schedule. It was super exhausting at first and I just wanted to cry everyday at that time. I was getting so stressed out and taking it on my partner. I am still going through a tough time now but it’s been getting better. I’ve been communicating with my feelings and everything to my partner so he could understand which is super helpful. I have family members that are able to watch my baby so I can prioritize my relationship. Or even myself to look after. Just don’t know how much longer this will last but I am definitely over it. I’m trying my best to do better at taking care of myself while raising my baby.