Spotting before period due

So I had unprotected sex and we didn’t use protection up until right before he ejaculated. In also on birth control and have never had problems with the pill( i have irregular periods). Ive been feeling extremely tired, nauseous, losing my appetite sometimes, breasts feeling heavy nipples hurting (color also looking slightly darker), bloating, back pain, slight cramping right before spotting. I started spotting very light pink on Monday morning but it was on and off for a few hours. The same thing Tuesday and Wednesday but brown to slightly red, all very light and didnt last the whole day. I was supposed to have started my period today 5/12/22 but no sign of it at all and only cramping. I have also been getting very very faint positives since last Thursday i believe it was, one first response and 5 of the dollar tree tests. Can anyone help or have had this happen to them?