Is anyone else struggling with food???


My son is 15 months old tomorrow & he still has very little interest in food. He still has to drink his toddler formula for all his nutrition because of this. We had a feeding therapy evaluation & she told us it’s mental & restricted because of his lip/tongue ties which have been revised. No sensory problems at all. It’s just the mental part still isn’t clicking. He won’t even put anything in his mouth & IF he does, it’s like he barely wants to & spits it back out. I need to get him into more feeding therapy now that his ties have been fixed & he still won’t eat weeks later. We have tried a variety of soft foods. So far he will just eat certain puffs & crackers. Yogurt a tiny bit. He refuses to be fed, so he does it all himself. When I put a bowl of yogurt down or even without the bowl, the way he goes for it, is using 1 finger & very carefully & slowly touching it before tasting it. Lol it’s crazy to watch. This is with anything. I follow solid starts on Instagram & have tried many of her recommendations which he has been immune to. I’m at the point where I guess I just have to wait for it to click with him one day. My older two kids were not like this at all as babies. They ate everything & whatever I put down, went straight to their mouths to try. They are picky toddlers now but as babies this was never a problem. Day after day, it’s just been frustrating & exhausting plus food waste trying to get him used to foods. He’s so big though & everyone thinks he eats so well but I’m like nope that’s all just formula chunk 🤷🏻‍♀️😅 Even his sitter said she’s never seen a baby hate food so much.