Husband can’t see past the money


He’s cheap & always will be. He just can’t get his mind past the money which yes is a fact but is not the point in this matter. I have 2 other kids with my ex husband. Ages 5 & 3. Turning 6 in June & 4 in July. Our son is in a backless booster, but our 3 year old tiny girl still belongs in a 5 point harness carseat. My ex is a classic narcissist & out of carelessness & convenience, has been putting our 3 year old in a backless booster as well. He of course lied when I asked where her carseat was saying that “it broke” 🙄 & I told him he better buy a new one then because it’s illegal in Fl to have her in a booster this soon. So next time I go to pick them up, I look in his car & there long & behold is her carseat that he said “broke”. I called him out on it knowing he lied & he just brushes it off. That’s what they do. Anyway, I found the perfect compromise for when she turns 4, since she is tiny & only weights 28 pounds right now. She won’t be anywhere near 40 pounds, but he said as soon as she turns 4, he’s putting her in a booster. I tried reporting him but the police said it’s not something I can report which sucks & it being a traffic law, he would have to happen to be pulled over & the cop notice to give him a ticket for it. So I felt helpless & nothing I can do to protect my baby girl when he has her. Then I found this Minnie Mouse booster w/a 5 point harness & she LOVES Minnie & we all win here! He gets the booster, I get the 5 point harness safety for her & better peace of mind when she’s with him & she gets an awesome seat she will LOVE & he won’t be able to tell her no when she sees it. I sent him a picture of it & he said “nice” which means he approves. The point here is her SAFETY. Now here’s what my husband can’t seem to understand. I will have to buy it for my ex’s vehicle for our daughter to be safe. He will use it for her if I buy it, but he doesn’t care enough to buy it himself. That’s just who he is. It’s either the safe Minnie booster with the 5 point harness that is for 22-45 pounds, or the regular backless booster that is 40 pounds minimum which is not safe at all for her. Yes he should be the one buying it, but he won’t. My daughters safety is what’s important & this is the only way. So I’ll spend the money on it for her to be safe. The money isn’t the point, but my husband just can’t grasp this. He keeps saying “I get it, but…then talks about the money again” No you don’t get it cause if you did, you’d understand what I’m explaining & wouldn’t be saying “but”!! It’s so frustrating that he can’t see past his cheapness. It’s sad but whatever, that’s his problem. I’m going to do what’s best for my daughter. How hard is that to understand?!