No heartbeat at 8 weeks? Maybe 10 weeks?


So I went into my first ultrasound thinking I would hear baby’s heartbeat for the first time, and my doctor couldn’t find one. She said baby was 7weeks6days.

I’m supposed to be 10 weeks based on the first day of my last period, but I have PCOS and my cycles are all over the place. When I gave her my log for my periods, she said I might be 8 weeks along.

I opted to let the process come naturally… as opposed to the surgery. I just want to give baby a chance if for some reason there is a chance. I had no symptoms or signs indicating anything was wrong.

Is it crazy for me to hope like this? Not that I doubt my doctor or anything. But maybe all the extra baby weight I haven’t dropped from my first is somehow making it difficult to find the heartbeat? She seemed to have trouble getting a good angle (transvaginal ultrasound) to get a glimpse. Or idk maybe the hardware wasn’t working properly? I swore for a second, I thought I heard something faint.