Is this normal? Should i take a pregnancy test?

Hey everyone!

So this is my second month on birth control (Nikki). These past few days (mostly yesterday and right now) I’ve been very nauseous. I had sex last Monday and Friday and both time my significant other wore a condom and cummed in the condom…. I’ve been taking my birth control every day…. However all of a sudden I’ve been very nauseous. I woke up out of no where being nauseous.

Why am i so nauseous?! I’m getting worried lol

I don’t think I’m pregnant but I’m confused on why I’ve been very nauseous.

If i wasn’t on birth control i would be ovulating in a few days? Is that something to do with it?

I know i sound stupid right now bc how could i be pregnant if he wore a condom every time we have sex and that I’m on birth control that i take everyday. I’m just worried and getting very anxious bc idk why I’m so nauseous out of no where

Please help