FINALLY Pregnant after 3yrs of TTC, 3 IUI and 1 miscarriage


It has been a long stressful painful journey of infertility for us. Unexplained inferlity at the beginning but after 3 years the Dr said I have decreased ovarian reserve.

Summary - I had 3 <a href="">IUI</a> - all failed. I had a miscarriage in feb 2022 at 4 weeks and passed the baby naturally just like periods for a week. Later I got my periods on time and we tried again naturally with no meds. But I had no hope so we were getting ready for an <a href="">IVF</a> through CNY fertility. I was waiting for my period but it never came 😊.

I'm still in shock that I conceived naturally this time. I am now 7 weeks pregnant and had my first ultrasound where baby's heart was beating normally. It's a miracle ..hoping this baby sticks 😍. I still have this constant fear of miscarriage everyday but trying to divert my mind. This post is to give hope to people who are in the same situation.

Everybody in the <a href="">glow app</a> stated 'it will happen when you least expect it' which became true for me .