
Hi everyone

Just need some advice. I’m currently 19 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I had absolutely NO 1st trimester bleeding, and I haven’t bled at all until now.

Me and my partner haven’t really been having sex recently (could be relevant, i don’t know) but tonight we did have sex. He first went in and I had to have him take it out and re adjust as I felt massive discomfort. He put it back in a different way and it was fine, and we carried on.

When we finished, I went to wipe the semen away and as i did that I noticed the TINIEST bit of pink coloured blood. So small that I nearly didn’t notice, I had to do a double take to really see it. Obviously this scared me and so I gently stuck a finger up to see if there was any more blood in there that needed to come out and there was NONE.

I haven’t bled since then, i went for a wee around an hour later, wiped, and nothing.

I’m hoping it’s just where his penis went in at an uncomfortable angle to begin with and maybe touched the cervix & irritated it?

It was a dot of blood, no bigger than a grain of rice.

I just hope my baby girl is okay. I will call midwife in the morning anyway but just want some opinions from people that may have actually experienced it?
