Is this really happening?!🥺😭


I was supposed to start my period Saturday, May 14th. Saturday came and gone. I had light cramps like My period was still coming and light spotting. Which is normal for me. So Monday, May 16th comes. No period still. No more spotting. Felt nauseated all day. I took  2 tests and we found out we were pregnant. 2 whole days ago. We haven't told anyone yet, because I'm pushing my mid-30s this year and we wanted to be sure our little nugget would stick. Well, yesterday and today the spotting came back and with vengeance today. It was brown at first, so I didn't worry. I have 3 previous children with my ex and spotted with my oldest son until 6 months. But this morning, I woke up and it was red and enough to cover most of my panty liner. I call my doctor and explained that I just called for my appointment yesterday, but I woke up today with all of this. She told me to take it easy, and she's got me in for tmrw at noon to do blood work. But if I feel like it's getting worse call and head on in. Well, I'm a little over an hour from my docs office rn. But about a quarter till 4 today I had the worst pain and a small clot come out. So I went in. After getting my blood drawn, they were closing. No one asked me if I still had pain. No one asked if I was still bleeding. So I sat in the parking lot and called the after-hours number to speak with a doctor. Told her that the panty liner I put on before coming in, was soaked. No white left. She tells me it sounds like a miscarriage. That my results will be in first thing in the morning. If they are over 1000 I get an ultrasound. If not, then it's too early to see anything. I don't think with what's going on, it'll be high enough. The saddest part about this is... I had it in my mind, my diddy helped me out by telling God "we have to do something to keep her going" because we just lost him a month ago. This little nugget's due date was 3 days before dads birthday. I pray that this isn't the nightmare I feel it is. I get to go back Friday  to see where my levels are if they don't have answers for me tmrw. I'm sending all the extra love and care to everyone else here for a happy healthy pregnancy! I'll never understand why our bodies reject the things we want and need most. 😖😞💔