

Is this implantation bleeding or something else? I am on the birth control implant, and thought since I was on the implant I couldn’t get pregnant. Stupid decision. So me and my boyfriend decided to do it without the condom on May 14, and he asked me if it was ok if he came in me. I said yes, because again I wasn’t thinking right.

Then we had sex today with a condom, but the condom came off and was inside me if that makes since.

And the last time I had my period was April 29. And today I’ve felt some cramping, it almost feels like period cramps except a little different, and at some points it feels like somebody is taking a knife and stabbing my insides. My next period is in 12 days and my fertility is low as of today. I also ate 2 pickles and cottage cheese, along with flamin hot Cheetos.

I’m feeling a sharp pain on my lower abdomen.

I just need some advice.

Thank you!:)