6w6days and I just got fired for??!!


I found out I was pregnant at the end of April. Because this is a high risk pregnancy, I had to go ahead and get into my doctor asap to confirm the pregnancy and placement when the time came. My employer understood, that is my direct supervisor did. However, he suggested that I write an email to HR telling them I was pregnant to ensure field safety (I am an EMT) … so that’s what I did. I never got a response back. My morning sickness kicked in full gear around 5.5 weeks… my employer kept sending me home after I’d get sick. I told them I didn’t need to go home, I was willing to stay. I didn’t get sick infront of my patients or anything. It was usually just in the morning, I’d go to the bathroom and throw up… or after lunch. It didn’t interfere with anything. Well today I was brought into HR and they sat me down… they told me they no longer thought I was a good fit for the company since they know I was getting sick regularly and should be resting. They decided to terminate my employment and told me… and I quote… “if your situation changes… please apply again.” ….did I just get fired for being pregnant???? My situation? My pregnancy??!!!

I don’t know if this matters but the whole HR department were of men. None of them I feel could possibly get it. You can totally work while having morning sickness… I’ve done it twice before. Idk. I’m just upset.