Help!!! Please!! Ectopic?


I knew from the beginning this pregnancy was weird.. something in my gut.. so I started going for labs at 14dpo

14dpo- 13

16dpo- 47

19dpo- 117

20dpo- 120(maybe 128) 2 different nurses gave me 2 different #s.. (ultrasound, nothing in uterus, fluid around ovaries)

21dpo- 121

22dpo- no labs my veins needed a break

23dpo- all my tests now got darker.. I know this pregnancy isn't viable I'm just scared it's ectopic and my life could be in danger. I have 2 children and a husband that need me around. Any stories, insight? Please help. I've had 2 losses but never an ectopic. With both losses my hcg just fell no weird plateau/dropped and rose again..