Heavy Bleeding During Ovulation - HELP


I feel a bit of imposter syndrome posting this so “early”, we’ve been trying for only five months and I know that is well within a normal realm. I certainly don’t want to take away from anyone in here that has been struggling for much longer.

Ever since we started trying, my body has been revolting against me. I’m hoping to find some women that may find their stories similar to mine. Maybe I can finally get some answers or clarity!

My period has been awful my entire life. Living by prescription pain medications, throwing up, missing work and school, filling an ultra in an hour, back pain, slight bleeding after sex. I tried BC for about 5 months and I ended up having a period that never went away (although less pain!). I ultimately chose to get off of it, I have an autoimmune disease and was already on so many medications. I couldn’t introduce more into my body.

Other than pain, I’ve always been incredibly regular. My husband and I have been trying since January and ever since then, I have been heavily bleeding during ovulation with immense sharp pain. The blood is not normal period blood, it’s brown-red but heavy and occasionally I clot. This lasts me 6-7 days during peak ovulation.

My ultrasound revealed I have about 5 smaller cysts on one ovary, and I’m waiting for blood work to come back soon (my doctor ordered a 3 day panel). So now we wait (it’s already been 10 days of waiting ugh). My doctor thinks it could be a mild version of PCOS since I don’t have any other symptoms other than cysts and irregular bleeding/pain. It’s so frustrating! January was normal, February March and May I had the irregular bleeding yet April was a totally normal cycle. Has anyone experienced something similar before? The only two new things I’ve introduced into my body are natural prenatal vitamins and sperm (I’ve never had unprotected sex before January). SOS!