Friend ran into me - 22 weeks

Kristi • 30 • from NJ • Registered Nurse 🩺 • dog mom 🐶 • 2 angel babies 👼👼 • 🌈 Rainbow baby boy, Caiden - arrived 10/4/2022 👶🏻

So this may stupid to ask but I’m paranoid -

We were out today at an outside patio/bar place. Of course since I’m 22 weeks I was just hanging out drinking lemonade & enjoying the food trucks but my friend got a little too drunk and decided to run full force at my other friend and I to “hug” us I guess. I immediately turned so that his extended arm hit my hip and more the side of my back as opposed to my stomach. I’m nervous that something could’ve hurt my baby. I don’t have any pain/cramps and I still feel him moving around in there plenty.

I’m probably just being paranoid since it’s my double rainbow baby. He didn’t hit my stomach at all. I’m just not sure how something like that could affect my baby or if it would at all.