Line eyes?? Please help...


Update: I took another test and it was definitely negative... not even the slightest line... 😔 still feeling really nauseous and almost threw up like 5 times yesterday (sorry tmi)

Ok, I have been dry heaving and puking off and on for a week and a half and, have been pretty emotional so, I took a couple tests. I have had bad line eyes before so, I figured id post to see if anyone sees even the slightest thing... Or, if someone is willing to tweak a little that would be good too!

The first pic is a cheapie from Walmart and the other two are dip tests. All were looked at within the time frame. I definitely feel like I see a line off camera but, on it is even more difficult to see...

Also, please be kind if you do not see a line, I have had many others in the past be kind of rude just because they don't see anything. I have been ttc for around 5 years and lost two so, it is a touchy subject (as it is for most women on this app)