Feeling hopeless … Round 2 IVF


One year ago…

My AMH was <0.2 and my FSH was high and I was deemed perimenopausal . I am 39. My FSH has lowered over the past year and I was allowed to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>.

First round, One mature follicle, went to retrieve egg, no egg. The fertility specialist said after the first round, “You have to know when to give up” and i’m like wtf it was just one round.

Anyway, i said I wanted another round.


Second round, & today I had an ultrasound and the nurse told me I have one mature follicle…. so this feels like Deja vu. Put myself through the whole process to have no egg again will devastate me.

Am I flogging a dead horse, so to speak? i don’t know if i can keep this up. I know I only need one good egg.

Also, I hate the needles, i had a massive phobia of needles before this, and still cringe every stim & every blood test. I just don’t know if i can do it…..