Roller coaster of emotions.

I go through this a lot. I have been off birth control for 2 years. We aren’t actively trying but we aren’t stopping it either. We do the full deed with no protection including on ovulation and during the fertile window. We both would be thrilled to be parents but also kind of want to wait until after the wedding. But when I’m having a month where my pms symptoms are different or my period is late I’m always so let down when the test shows up negative. I’m getting worried that I won’t be able to conceive in a few months when we decide to actively try. It’s really starting to get to me. I want nothing more than to be a momma, and it’s killing me thinking it won’t happen. I’m currently waiting for my period that’s due today and I’ve just been so emotional today. I want that test to show up positive so badly but Im also too scared to test because I know it’s going to be negative and that my period will be here shortly.

I don’t know why I’m writing this post. I guess I just needed to write it out because I’m emotional today and maybe there’s someone else out here that understands.