recurring yeast infections


I’m not necessarily posting this for help but just to vent about these recurring infections i keep getting. I’ve been to three doctors and had many telehealth visits and Im always told the same thing and never get a solution. I’ve been dealing with recurring yeast infections since February of last year. Basically every month of the past year and a half almost I’ve been getting 2 yeast infections that cause my skin to peel downstairs and extreme itching. It’s gotten to the point where I’m used to feeling this way because I’ve never been able to get the help I need. I also can’t afford medical insurance and for the last doctor visit I went to I got charged $437 just to get no medication sent to me and sent back home because it’s just “minor irritation”. A week later, I still have a yeast infection and Im crying and frustrated because it won’t go away with monistat (just makes it burn and itch a ton more) and they no longer prescribe me fluconazole because they say i’ve taken it too many times. so i’m stuck feeling like this i guess.. hope everyone else can get their worries resolved because i give up on mine :(